Wentzville Chiropractor

NanOmega Flax Powder

order NanOmega Golden Flax, Vegan DHA & Synergistic Vitamins!

BioPharma Scientific® is proud to present its latest breakthrough in "Superfoods" made available through health professionals only, NanOmega3: Golden Flax, Vegan DHA & Synergistic Vitamins!


NanOmega3 has been especially formulated to support:

  • Mental Focus and Healthy Mood / Memory*
  • Maintenance of Normal Optimal Cholesterol and Triglyceride Levels*
  • Healthy Skin and Hair *
  • Maintenance of Optimal Blood Pressure*
  • Healthy Cardio-Vascular System*
  • Maintaining Visual Acuity*
  • Healthy Joints*
  • Gastro-Intestinal Health*
  • Balanced Immune and Inflammatory Response*
  • Additional Antioxidant Protection *
  • Healthy Bones*
  • Healthy Prostate and Breast Cells*


NanOmega3: Omega 3 Nutrition Made Easy!


Essential fatty acids (EFA) are good fats that can only be obtained in the diet. These fatty acids not only provide fuel but also effect many biological processes such as inflammation, immune and brain functions, and blood lipid levels (triglycerides).

There are two families of EFAs: omega-3 and omega-6. The dietary balance between these two EFAs strongly affects their functions. An optimal dietary balance of omega-6 to omega-3 may be 3:1 or even lower. The Standard American Diet (S.A.D.), rich in omega-6 vegetable oils (corn, safflower,) and saturated fats, is 10:1 or higher!


The World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Heart Association (AHA) recommend we consume much more omega 3 fatty acids, while cutting down on omega-6 EFAs, trans fat (hydrogenated), saturated fat, cholesterol and fried fats.


The main sources of omega 3 fatty acids in the American diet include fish, flaxseed and walnuts. Other good, but less common sources include pumpkin, chia and hemp seeds, canola oil, avocado and blue-green algae (spirulina/ chlorella). Grass fed livestock are also much higher in omega-3 fats than grain fed domestic livestock.


Therefore, when it comes to a healthy omega 3/6 EFA balance, it is difficult for most Americans to eat a balanced diet. Because of this, many health professionals recommend omega 3 dietary supplements and consuming the new "functional foods" now being fortified with omega-3 EFAs.




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